Tooth Extraction
Extractions are the removal of severely decayed teeth that cannot be restored because of the amount of decay or the removal of teeth with severe periodontal disease that have lost most of the supporting structures like bone or gum tissue. When a tooth is extracted and is not replaced, bone loss starts to occur and the remaining teeth can drift this can lead to cavities, gum disease, and premature loss of other teeth. Following an extraction, 60% of bone loss occurs within the first 3 years.
Here are some common questions about Tooth Extraction:
What are my options to replace an extracted tooth?
The options are: a dental implant, bridge, or removable partial dentures.
If I need a front tooth to be extracted, can I replace it right away?
If an anterior tooth (front tooth) needs to be extracted, a temporary partial or bridge can be made and placed during the same visit as the extraction. When the extraction site heals, a permanent restoration can then be made. Another option is a dental implant which can be placed at the time of the extraction if there is enough bone remaining.
How long does an extraction site take to heal?
For total healing of gingival tissue and bone reformation it takes about 6-8 weeks.
How do I get a dry socket?
A dry socket is when the blood clot is dislodged from the extraction site and an infection occurs in the bone. A dry socket is very painful and can only be treated with antibiotics, pain medication, and dry socket dressing. A blood clot can be dislodged from smoking, spitting, using a straw, or poor blood clot formation.